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London Handicap Scale (LHS)
London Handicap Scale (LHS)
Availability |
Available in the public domain: London Handicap Scale.
Classification |
Exploratory: Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
Short Description of Instrument |
The London Handicap Scale (LHS) is used to assess the health status in patients with multiple, chronic or progressive diseases. This includes evaluation of treatment interventions used.
Comments |
There are six domains, with six levels in each. (Harwood 1994; Harwood and Ebrahim 2000; Jenkinson et al 2000; Perenboom and Chorus 2003):
Physical independence
Social integration
Economic self-sufficiency
Overall handicap severity score
Administration time: 5 minutes
Administration mode: paper/pencil
Scoring |
There is a traditional scoring method which requires a computer. A modified scoring method does not require any special equipment.
The six items of each domain are scored on 6-point scales with a minimum score of 0 (total disability) and maximum of 1.0 (normal function).
References |
Harwood RH, Ebrahim S. A comparison of the responsiveness of the Nottingham extended activities of daily living scale, London handicap scale and SF-36. Disabil Rehabil. 200020;22(17):786-793.
Harwood RH, Rogers A, Dickinson E, Ebrahim S. Measuring handicap: the London Handicap Scale, a new outcome measure for chronic disease. Qual Health Care. 1994;3(1):11-16.
Jenkinson C, Mant J, Carter J, Wade D, Winner S. The London handicap scale: a re-evaluation of its validity using standard scoring and simple summation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2000;68(3):365-367.
Perenboom RJ, Chorus AM. Measuring participation according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Disabil Rehabil. 2003;25(11-12):577-587.
Document last updated March 2018