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London Handicap Scale (LHS)
Available in the public domain: London Handicap Scale.
Exploratory: Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)
Short Description of Instrument
The London Handicap Scale (LHS) is used to assess the health status in patients with multiple, chronic or progressive diseases. This includes evaluation of treatment interventions used.
There are six domains, with six levels in each. (Harwood 1994; Harwood and Ebrahim 2000; Jenkinson et al 2000; Perenboom and Chorus 2003):
Physical independence
Social integration
Economic self-sufficiency
Overall handicap severity score  
Administration time: 5 minutes
Administration mode: paper/pencil
There is a traditional scoring method which requires a computer. A modified scoring method does not require any special equipment.  
The six items of each domain are scored on 6-point scales with a minimum score of 0 (total disability) and maximum of 1.0 (normal function).
Harwood RH, Ebrahim S. A comparison of the responsiveness of the Nottingham extended activities of daily living scale, London handicap scale and SF-36. Disabil Rehabil. 200020;22(17):786-793.   
Harwood RH, Rogers A, Dickinson E, Ebrahim S. Measuring handicap: the London Handicap Scale, a new outcome measure for chronic disease. Qual Health Care. 1994;3(1):11-16.  
Jenkinson C, Mant J, Carter J, Wade D, Winner S. The London handicap scale: a re-evaluation of its validity using standard scoring and simple summation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2000;68(3):365-367.   
Perenboom RJ, Chorus AM. Measuring participation according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Disabil Rehabil. 2003;25(11-12):577-587.


Document last updated March 2018